A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the otternauts lived peacefully – floating on their backs from planet to planet. The otterverse was distributed equally between planets, and they used their special floating powers to travel and collaborate with each other.
Meanwhile in a neighboring universe, the vicious faang creatures were conquering more and more planets to add to their authoritarian empire. The faangs quickly conquered Interweb, the home of the humans. They banned humans from owning land, forcing them to pay rent by watching ads, and increased taxes to 50%.
As they grew their empire, the faangs came closer and closer to the edge of the otterverse. But the otternauts had one key advantage: if the faangs succeeded in conquering one planet, the otternauts could just use their floating powers to spin up a new one somewhere else. The faangs stood no chance.
Feeling sorry for the plight of the humans, the otternauts decided to use their floating powers to help transport humans into the otterverse and away from the faangs’ tyrannical regime. As more humans join them, the otterverse becomes a more powerful and magical place.
Join us on our journey into otterspace.
We believe that the Interweb can be a better place: one that is more open and transparent, and where value is distributed fairly to all Otternauts. At the heart of this vision lies the concept of DAOs – DAOs are the vehicle whereby independent, autonomous individuals can collaborate without needing a central authority.
To read the Otterspace manifesto check out this post.
Our mission is to help DAOs onboard their first hundred to their next million members by making the experience of joining and contributing to a DAO clear, straightforward, and familiar for the inhabitants of Web2.
The first bridge we will build is a DAO onboarding experience that is ten times clearer, ten times more efficient and ten times more effective than what is typical today. This will make DAO contribution accessible to everyone – not just the crypto-native, self-starting and outspoken few.
The goal of this NFT sale is to raise funds that will enable us to hire more builders and start on this mission, as well as build our pioneer community of early supporters.
If you’re ready to explore the otterverse, the Otternaut Explore Badge lets you check out our Discord and get early product access. This NFT is perfect for early supporters, the crypto curious and DAO starters.
Explorers, like all NFT holders, will be eligible for future token airdrops.
With the Otternaut Surf Badge you can surf into our private community channels where we bring together DAO leaders and community managers to share best practices. You’ll also get first access to our product before we open to the public. This NFT is ideal for early supporters, DAO members and community managers.
Surfers will also be eligible for token airdrops, future product perks and able to vote on our product roadmap.
With the Otternaut Cruise Badge you get all of the above, plus you’ve earned your license to inform our product roadmap and test products before they are released. Cruise along with us if you are an early supporter, DAO leader, crypto native or DeFi degen.
Cruise NFT holders will also be eligible for token airdrops, future product perks and able to vote on our product roadmap.
We’re excited to have you onboard our pioneer mission!
After the crowdsale we’ll be updating NFT holders on our Discord community launch via Twitter and our mailing list, so make sure you’re subscribed.